Friday, January 7, 2011


Our frame of mind at the beginning of each year, is that our resolutions are going to become reality. To accomplish it, we need to work on them. Right? Desire, Determination, Discipline are key. If in the months ahead you’re thinking or doing other than what was planned at the beginning of the year, then it’s time to re-start from square 1 using these 3 D's

If you had in mind to get in shape, then eat less, and start exercising. To find Love, I'll say go for it, don't waste time. We only live once. To be a better person, I'll say start with family members. To become a more giving person, I'll say apply it on daily basis to family and strangers alike. But if you had in mind to make money, then generate a second or third income. Successful 2011 to everyone!